SEED Advisory - Business Process Transformation

Process-based Transformation

SEED Advisory is your partner in the realisation of the radical transformation of your company to becoming a ‘value-driven process organisation’. Strategy is at the heart of everything we do. No matter at what level of the organisation we come in to help you or at what stage of the Business Process - BPM -  implementation you are in, the high level strategic plan of your company will always be our yardstick. BPM or Business Process Management takes you to the first fundamental step in understanding your process through business process assessments:

High-Level Business Process Assessment

  • End-to-end process review for the different organizational entities combinations
  •  Criteria Evaluation for Shared services and Business process outsourcing
  •  Process and Sub-Process interaction and complexity analysis
  •  Examples of methodologies: KANO Model, Weighted Activities list, FMEA, BPMN

Detailed Process Analysis

  • Detailed analysis and collection of quantitative information for the selected end-to-end process
  • Identify value-creating process and elimination of waste (“Lean Approach”)
  •  Design and development of repeatable capabilities templates
  • Examples of Methodologies: Value Stream Mapping, Waste Walk,  Fishbone, BPMN

Shared Services - BPO Implementation

  • Re-design & harmonize processes of the retained organization
  • Design & implement optimized (quality-driven) processes for SS and outsourced BP
  •  Deep-dive global implementation plan and Change Management Plan
  • Examples of Methodologies: Brainstorming, feasibility analysis, prioritization, roles & responsibilities / skills Matrix.

Lean Processes

What is the power of lean management when used adequately?


A lean organization is one that continually reduces wasted costs and improves customer response times, while better meeting customers’ needs. More specifically:

  • Lean can bring cost reductions—quickly. Lean brings large cost reductions in shared services, often in the 20 percent to 40 percent range. Lean often uses rapid improvement methods (small, incremental, and fast improvements using the Japanese philosophy of “Kaizen”) that produce results in a few weeks or months. 
  • Lean is a cornerstone for a continuous improvement initiative. Making improvement continuous avoids traumatic, episodic improvements, commonly with unintended consequences.
  • Lean reduces response times - companies often see processes expedited by as much as 75 percent, even up to 98 percent faster, at even better quality.
  • Lean increases the quality of service (get it right the first time). Lean helps ensure reliable compliance to laws, regulations.

Value Creation

Business Process Management (BPM) is about much more than the improvement and redesign of current operational or support processes. It is a philosophy of how organizations should be designed, managed and controlled from the perspective of the customer.


Implementing Business Process Management in an enterprise requires a radical break from the traditional functional or "silo" organization. Organizational boundaries and fragmented departments or business units are its enemy.

  • The Value-Driven Process Organization: It is a ‘value-driven process organization’ because it requires a deep understanding of what creates value for the customer and how the activities of the organization should be designed across the functional boundaries to enable that creation of customer value.
  • BPM's Relation with Strategy: In that respect, business process management is a strategy-driven effort that should be deeply rooted in senior management’s beliefs of how their company will compete best in the market.
  • The Challenges: Essentially, the business process management philosophy cannot be successfully applied without a clear sense of the strategic fundamentals guiding the company direction. Furthermore, even if the strategy and the dimensions of value creation are clearly understood by all levels of the organization, the process-driven organization will fail without strong leadership support, a guiding set of governance mechanisms, a genuinely customer-oriented culture and process-experienced people.
  • The Benefits: However, the potential benefits for your company if the transformation is handled well and if the above company capabilities are put in place, are large. BPM affects the bottom line directly through improved customer satisfaction and lower operating costs.


SEED Advisory strongly endorses the philosophy advocated by BPM-thinker Michael Hammer and our vision for BPM can be framed from his seminal work on the process organization. In this vision, developing a process that drives performance requires the presence of a number of critical enablers:

  • Process Design > Derived from the strategic plan
  • Process Metrics > Measure whether intended the value was created
  • Process Performers > People who understand the holistic process and its goals
  • Process Infrastructure > Information systems and HR systems supporting the process
  • Process Ownership > Senior managers with cross-functional authority

SEED Advisory is your partner in the realization of the radical transformation of your company to becoming a ‘value-driven process organization’. Strategy is at the heart of everything we do. No matter at what level of the organization we come in to help you or at what stage of the BPM implementation you are in, the high level strategic plan of your company will always be our yardstick.